WHS to host first FFA Greenhand Camp

The 2019 WHS FFA chapter officers.

The Waxahachie FFA Chapter is hosting its very own Greenhand Camp this year from 9:30 to noon this Saturday, Sept. 14. 

“Greenhand Camp is an opportunity to include our freshmen and new members in the chapter. It is a time where we can have fun and teach our fellow members what it means to be in FFA,” said senior Meredith Fay. 

Traditionally, the FFA Greenhand Camp is held at Waco Midway High School and run by Area VIII’s FFA Officers; however, the WHS chapter has decided to host their own to include more students from WHS in the experience. 

This is the first year that Waxahachie High School will host a Greenhand Camp. The officers are preparing for an excellent turnout of members. Greenhand Natalie Auvenshine said, “I am definitely going to Greenhand Camp, all of my friends are too.” 

Many WHS chapter officers, who will be running the camp, did not have the opportunity to go to Greenhand Camp their freshman year. One of these officers is Case Lucky, a sophomore, who said, “I’m so excited for Greenhand camp!” 

Sophomore Cheyan Underwood said, “We’ll have games, food, and so much fun!” She also explained that the Greenhands in attendance will be split into groups to rotate through stations run by the officers, as well as attending one or two general sessions. 

WHS FFA President Kayla Milholen said, “We’re having pizza from Little Caesars, bro.” Lunch will be provided for the attending students. 

Vice President Brooke Trull said, “I am partnered with Meredith and Cheyan for our group station, and I am so excited to meet the new members of our FFA Chapter.” This year’s Greenhand Camp is held in tight anticipation from both FFA Officers and members alike. 

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