Landon Jackson

Landon Jackson, a senior at Waxahachie High School, is a varsity tennis player warming up to compete for scholarships in doubles tournaments.

“The tournaments are gonna be tough,” Jackson said. This is especially true because most of the varsity players on other teams will be playing just as hard for those scholarships. However, Jackson has a lot of faith in his teammates, and he knows that if they work really hard as a team, then they can take the win without a doubt. 

As each week passes by, the tennis coaches are working the team as hard as they can to get the best out of their abilities. They train with each other until the first practice tournaments. These tournaments allow players, like Jackson, to see where exactly they stand in the ranks or to see how good they have to get before the real deal.

Jackson said, “My serve has them across the fence!”

This is very fortunate because, in a couple of weeks from now, the real competitions are going to be starting up. Not only are these tournaments just for a few hundreds of dollars scholarships, they are offering full-ride scholarships!

Landon is very capable of achieving this, so go support him at the upcoming tournaments!