A True Representation of What an Educator Should Be

While being a teacher doesn’t allow much time for hobbies outside of school, Sara Lucia has proved to make time. Ms. Lucia teaches Pre-AP Biology and Dual Credit Biology. While many may believe these courses are alike, they are far from that.

I love both of these opportunities for different reasons,” Lucia said. “I work 16-18 hours a day trying to make online and in-class activities fun and educational for both sets of students.” 

Ms. Lucia enjoys baking with her family and friends during her free time, preferably when there isn’t a pandemic. Another thing she enjoys is watching movies, specifically anything Marvel or anything that is action-filled. 

Having been a teacher for 13 years, Ms. Lucia brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her students. Out of those 13 years, 10 have been spent with WISD. 

One of Ms. Lucia’s favorite hobbies is riding horses. It is something that she feels relieves stress after a rough day, and she loves the feeling of the wind blowing through her hair. Spending time with her family is probably the most important and enjoyable thing she can do. A fun fact about Ms. Lucia is she is a wood-burner. This is the craft of burning designs into wood planks. 

Overall, a hardworking teacher who provides for her students is exactly what Sara Lucia represents. She has proven to go above and beyond for her students, all while still enjoying the things she loves.