Nier: Automata, which Yoko Taro made, is highly regarded as one of the best games to exist for all of the people who have played it. The game itself is more of an open-world experience with how it plays, with 26 endings, one for each letter of the alphabet, and only five being actual endings while the other 21 are joke endings.
This game is genuinely quite unique in how it plays, even swapping to being a side scroller, sometimes being top-down, and a few other forms- some of which are only available on a second playthrough which is actually different from the first!
There are three unique playthroughs which are only available after one another. Each playthrough is quite emotional, being able to pull on your heartstrings as you get more attached to the characters within them. And speaking of the characters, there is a wide variety and even some recurring names from Yoko Taro’s other works.
Of these characters, there are some that give you interesting side quests, some of which are unique to the playthrough you are on, all of which are fun and interesting to do.
The main premise is that humanity has been destroyed and fled to the moon, machines made by aliens are in control of the world and are attempting to reach the moon, androids made by humans are actively attempting to destroy all the machines.
You play as one of these androids named 2B in your first playthrough, and you travel across a city, a forest, and a desert for the most part. Within these areas are beautiful moments, beautiful scenery, and beautiful gameplay. For all of these reasons, I must suggest a playthrough of this game, if not just watching it to enjoy the experience, as it has a similar progression as a movie does. The game has also warranted a show which I would also suggest watching.
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