The Waxahachie Drama Department recently showed their production of Storm in the Barn, about the Dust Bowl in Kansas in 1937 where a boy named Jack and his family fight to save their farm when a drought occurs.
Director of Storm in the Barn Andy Reynolds expressed the choice of this year’s fall production for advanced theater students.
“I wanted to do something with some historical significance,” Reynolds said. “My grandmother lived through the Dust Bowl so when the story came across my desk I thought it would be a really interesting piece to work on and be challenging for our students.”

Senior Audrey Winn who played the main role as Jack shares the joys and challenges of playing the role.
“Since Jack was so young, he was also still vulnerable and so I loved getting to tap more into the emotional side of the character,” Winn said. “What I found most difficult about playing Jack was trying to act like an eleven year old boy, honestly. I mean, they have totally different mannerisms than an eighteen year old girl.”
Winn also found the role more physically challenging than anticipated.
“Another challenging part about Jack was how much we made him run around and climb up on things. During the whole Storm in the Barn process, I was bruised all over, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”
Junior Alexandrea Alcala enjoys the atmosphere of the drama department.

“I loved the community and friendships of the whole cast,” Alcala said. “It’s so special to be in a play with people you love.”
Reynolds hopes that the audience leaves the performance with gratitude and appreciation for their family and loved ones.
“I hope the audience hugs their family a little tighter before they leave, and that nothing is promised,” Reynolds said. “Bad times can happen in a blink. You never know how long those hard times will last, and if you are going to go through those hard times, make sure you establish those relationships with your family.”
The Waxahachie Drama Department is its own family, and all of the proceeds from Storm in the Barn went to one of its members, Westin Whitford.
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