Academic UIL advances to Regionals

Students competed in the academic UIL District meet on March 25 at Mansfield Legacy High School.

Students came out on top as district champs. They will be advancing to regionals on April 22 in Waco, Texas.

The students advancing include: Computer Science: Wesley Jamison, Elma Garcia, Copy Editing: Owen Bartosh, Morgan Lenamond, Editorial Writing: Sarah Barker, Brianna Padron, Feature Writing- Morgan Lenamond, Headline Writing: Maylie McCorkle, Morgan Lenamond, Literary Criticism: Alethia Martin, Sharon Schroppel, News writing: Brianna Padron, Morgan Lenmond, Maylie McCorkle, Ready Writing: Morgan Glass, Spelling: Amariah Bell , Calculator Applications: Kristina Han, Science: Dean Gollihugh, Tanner Wester, Prapatsone Ouanemala, Poetry: Elizabeth Foster, Informative: Owen Bartosh, Persuasive: Judson Willet, Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Jordan Lister, Africa Blakely.

S “Academic UIL gives me the opportunity to combine my passion for journalism with the enjoyment I get from competition, “senior Morgan Lenamond said. “The best part of all of it is the bonding we’ve done as a journalism team over the past four years. I’ll never forget the experiences Team Meme brought me.”